Sunday, June 29, 2014

Canning Dill Pickles

Its been a busy weekend here at the Webb house we canned 54 pints of dill pickles Saturday and 34 pints of Sour  Kraut Sunday can you say pooped. So today I'm going to tell you how we do our dill pickles (No representation is made that my Dill Pickles are better than your Dill Pickles even though I bet they are LOL) Just funning yall. Ok seriously here we go.
I start out by washing all of my canning jars, lids and rings in the dishwasher to sterilize them, while those are washing I go pick my cucumbers out of our garden
Now when you come back in from doing that put your Water Bath Canner on the stove so your water can get to boiling because it takes forever for that thing to get going believe me. Get all your supplies out that your going to need.
Well how did that Water Bath Canner get in there it's supposed to be on the stove getting hot. Oh well guess it wanted its picture taken too. So we got out Vinegar our Mrs. Wages Pickle Seasoning (this stuff is the bomb) our Ball Pickle Crisp because nobody likes a soggy pickle our jars and of course the Cucumbers looks like were ready to go.
Get your Mrs. Wages Pickle Seasoning and follow the directions on the back of the package to make your liquid
Now were ready to deal with these cucumbers wash them off good and start slicing we like to do ours in spears but you can do whatever you like always remember when your cutting up your cucumbers to cut off the blossom end(not the end where you pull it off the vine but the other end)  if you leave those on it will make your cucumbers go bad. Yucky blossom end below.
Slicing up the cucumbers
Once you get a couple cucumbers sliced up its time to start filling up your jars. We pack ours in as many as will fit just make sure you don't have any tall ones that come up over your jar and into the rim space, and no that's not wine in the back ground (Hee Hee)
Now it's time to add your Ball Pickle Crisp this stuff makes those pickles so crunchy we love it, just follow the directions on the back of the jar.
By this time, your Mrs. Wages Pickle Seasoning mixture should be boiling and ready to go so start filling up your jars and leave a little head space at the top like the picture below then wipe your rim off with a paper towel to make sure nothing is there so you can get a good seal on the jar.

Put the lids on and get them into the Water Bath Canner for 5 minutes to process under a rolling boil. When you put your jars into the canner the water will stop boiling I always wait until it is back up to a rolling boil before I start counting my 5 minutes process time.
So after your 5 minutes are up get those hot suckers out and put them on a towel and listen for the POP!!!! I don't know about yall but when I hear one of mine pop I get all excited so if you do too it's completely normal (wink wink).

Thursday, June 26, 2014

Throwback Thursday

How about a little throwback Thursday for yall. The year was 1985 when it was cool to dress like a boy with a button up western shirt on and to part your hair down the middle with bobbie pins. Come on, ya'll know you dressed like this to (Grins)


Beginning of a beautiful friendship

Hey yall,
 I decided today on the way home from work that I wanted to start a blog only thing is I had no idea how to start a blog so I hopped on Twitter to ask my friends if anyone could help and I got a reply telling me where to go and how to do it dont you just love technology. So here I am blogging, now if your that type that dont like run on sentences or incorrect grammar  this blog is not for you so go ahead and get on now (grins) I wanted to start this blog to help folks like me who want to learn how to garden and can and raise your own meat but had no idea how to do any of that. I figured as I try new things I could post about them here and if it helps someone else how awesome is that . Now there will be alot of other stuff on here too just random blabbings (is that a word)  from my day to day activities. I could be talking about chicken farming one day and fashion the next you never know about me. So I hope you enjoy my first venture into blogging and I hope I make many friends along the way