Thursday, July 10, 2014

Lunchtime Coupon Shenanigan's

Evening yall,
How has everyone's week been so far? We have just about made it to that glorious day we call Friday. Yesterday started a new week of sales at Publix. So.......guess where I went today at lunch? Yep, you guessed it Publix. Ya'll are so smart. I tell ya'll I have got this lunchtime Publix run down. I had my little green book my list of what I wanted and my coupons, I was in and out of their in 20 minutes with 30 minutes to spare when I got back to the office GO ME!!!!! Anyhoo I thought I would give ya'll a breakdown of my trip today so ya'll could see the the sale prices and what I paid for my haul. ( 5 ya'll's in one paragraph whew I need to come up with another word to use)
Dixie Crystal Sugar BOGO $2.99
I had four .40 cent coupons that doubled to .80 cents each. I bought four bags of sugar at $5.98 and used $3.20 in coupons so my total for all four sugars was $2.78. That's .70 cents a bag talk about a deal!

Capri Sun $1.79 A Box
I had four $1.00 off coupons from the Publix flyer that you get at the door. I bought four Capri Suns at $7.16 I used $4.00 in coupons so the total for all four Capri Suns was $3.16 thats.79 cents a box. The Hubs loves these things so anytime I can get them cheap I jump on it.

Wishbone Salad Dressing BOGO $2.63
I had two $1.00 off coupons. I bought two salad dressings for $2.63 and used $2.00 in coupons my total for both dressings was .63 cents.

Snuggle Dryer Sheets $2.99 For The Big Box
I had one $1.00 off coupon. I bought one Snuggle Dryer Sheet for $2.99 and used $1.00 in coupons so I paid $1.99 for one big box of dryer sheets. Good thing to because I was almost out.

Orbit Gum BOGO $3.29
I had two Target coupons for .50 cents each. I bought two Orbit Gums for $3.29 and used two Target coupons that totaled up to $1.00 I paid $2.29 for both packs of gum. Whenever I can get gum on sale I have to get it or my daughter would have a come apart (Hee Hee) She loves that stuff.

Mahatma Rice Mixes 6 For $5.00 Or .83 Cents A Piece
I had three coupons for .75 cents off two packages. I bought 6 packages at 4.98. I used three coupons for .75 cents off two. My total for all six packages of rice were $2.73. Now I have no idea what this stuff is going to taste like but if I can get new stuff cheap for my family to try I will do it. If we don't like it I will give it away so there may be some( free to good home) rice pictures pop up on my facebook page later if someone wants rice LOL..

Bic Multi Purpose Lighters BOGO $3.49
I had four $1.00 off coupons. I bought four lighters at $6.98. I used $4.00 in coupons so I paid $2.98 for all four lighters that .79 cents a piece. Publix ran this sale about 3 weeks ago but every store I went to was sold out so I kept my coupons in my binder and sure enough the sale popped back up this week. You know I dug those suckers out!! Moral of the story here is it pays to hang on to your coupons until they expire.

I also had a $5.00 off a purchase of $40.00 or more coupon that my friend got out of her paper Sunday and gave to me and wouldn't you know it my total before coupons was $40.13 so I whipped that dude out. So Thanks Julie that was a great gift. While I'm thanking folks let me give a shout out to my other friend at work Sheila, her mom Mrs. Driver and my awesome Mother In Law Mary for graciously giving me there coupons that they don't use it's a huge help.
Now it's confession time I didn't follow my own rule today about not buying things I don't have coupons for. You see there was these great looking Chips Ahoy Cookies that somehow jumped into my buggy, in my defence they were on the BOGO sale for $2.89 and there chocolate so that should get a pass right?????

So today I walked out of Publix only spending $15.47 before tax. I would say that it was a good lunchtime couponing trip.
Until next time lovelies

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