Sunday, October 19, 2014

Weekend Roundup

Hey Yall
It was a busy weekend around here. Deer season has begun and I still have a few things on my honey do list that I need done before winter sets in. Getting my husband to do those things will get harder and harder the farther the season goes along so I'm trying to get them all crammed in while I can Hee Hee!! So this week I wanted to get some hay and get my young chicks pen covered in hay to replace the mud the poor things have been walking in plus the smell was yuck!! As you can see I can mark that off my list!

Then I wanted to get our main coop cleaned out for the winter and get fresh hay in the laying boxes for our grown hens. We got that checked off the list.

Then we had to take a break from farming and get spiffed up to go to our nieces wedding Congratulations Mr. and Mrs. Jay Bedwell.
My daughter Baylee caught the bouquet so we all know what that means.........
So I would say it was a good and productive weekend maybe I can get the garden tilled up next weekend if I'm lucky we'll see!
Until Next Time

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