Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Busy Busy Bread Making Fail

Hey Yall,
How has everyone been? Great I hope. I am a little late on my bread making post it has been  busy busy at the Webb house so far this week. I spent the night in the hospital Friday night thinking I was having a heart attack only to find out it was a severe case of acid reflux you know your getting older when a bacon sandwich sends you to the hospital (Hee Hee). They didn't let me go till 11:00 Saturday morning and everyone who's been in the hospital knows that you DO NOT sleep in the hospital they were in there every 2 hours poking me as you can see.
So needless to say Saturday was shot too. Monday my daughter had her college orientation so I left work and went there with her and today I have came home from work cooked supper picked the garden put chemical in the pool and put up some tomatoes to freeze. Whew I'm beat but I promised yall a bread making post so here it.
Here is my lovely bread making machine that my awesome friend Monica gave me Yes!!! I said gave me I told yall she was awesome.

Now I wanted to do a tutorial on how I make the best homemade bread and everyone should be jealous of how great I am at it well........... That's not going to happen let's be honest here I suck at making bread there I said it. I have tried making bread with my bread machine three times and all three times the bread was hard as a rock. I tried the boxed bread recipe and the homemade way and were talking major fail. I followed every direction to a T still no luck. Now I know it's not the bread machines fault it has to be something I'm doing but for the life of me I have no idea what it is. If any of yall have a good recipe for homemade bread that you use send that sucker my way because this girl needs some bread making 101. Here is a pic of the bread I made Sunday. Now don't let this picture fool you. You could literally use this thing as a boat anchor. The whole loaf was tossed in the trash.
Doesn't it look good yall?
So there you have it I can not make bread but you can believe that I will keep trying until I figure out how.
Until next time

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