Thursday, August 21, 2014

Migraine Hell

Hey Yall,
Today I want to talk about Migraine Headaches do you have them? If not I bet you know someone who does. These things have plagued me my whole life but now that I am in my 40's they are worse than they have ever been. I have been to the Neurologist I have taken all the meds I have even done water therapy over the years and so far I have not got relief from them. I used to think I was cursed to have Migraines 3 or 4 times a month now I would love to only have them that frequently. For the last 3 months I have had at least 5 headaches out of 7 days. I am ready to totally loose it. I don't know if any of you have ever experienced constant pain for a long period of time but it will literally drive you crazy!! I have alot of problems with my neck being stiff and achy, I'm sure staring at a computer screen all day in an office chair is the culprit to that.  I have started going back to the chiropractor. I do not like going to the Chriro because I feel like I have to go ALOT and pay that copay ALOT but I am at a point now that I will pay whatever it takes to get this under control. I have had 4 visits so far I can say that I am starting to get a very small amount of relief from them. Now I'm not pushing Chiropractic care I'm not one of those natural medicine guru's I mean if someone said if you will jump off this bridge your headaches would stop I'd be off that thing you know?? I have found that Relpax does help when I do have a migraine. They don't stop it from coming but it does stop is once it's started the only down side to this is I only get 6 pills a month. That usually last about a week so you see my dilemma here. I also bought me a inflatable hot tub to soak my achy neck and shoulder muscles (there will be a future post on the hot tub) So fellow migraine sufferers what do you do to keep these evil things at bay? Have any of yall used a chiropractor before? Tell me what ya got??

Until next time

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