Thursday, September 18, 2014

Alfred's Do it Yourself Dog Bed

Hey yall!
So we got a new fur baby recently named Alfred. Its so funny how things work out. As yall know my schnauzer baby Tanzi got killed a month or so ago and we were completely devastated and I said that I was not going to get another dog right away. Funny how things change. A couple of days ago I get a text from my sister in law that starts off saying  Now I know you said you didn't want to get another dog right now BUT............... Seems she had a friend that was moving and had a full blooded male schnauzer named Alfred that she could not take with her. Her friend was looking for a good home for Alfred and my sister in law thought of me instantly of course because we love schnauzers so I mean I can't really blame her can I?  Hee Hee!! He is 2 years old fully potty trained and crate trained I mean come on who could pass that up I know I couldn't so guess who has a new schnauzer fur baby? Yep! This girl!! Everybody Meet Alfred!!

So after we got Alfred all settled in I wanted to get him a new dog bed to lay around on. Now I don't know if yall have price a dog bed recently but the little flat ones at Walmart are $25.00 so I was like UH No thanks I can make one way cheaper than that. Couponing has ruined me yall I can't hardly pay full price for anything now. So I just took myself over to the sewing department at Walmart and bought me this 5 pound  box of Polyester Fiberfil for $12.00

I already had some material at home so I got that out and measured it to fit what I figured would be a good size dog bed and cut me out 2 pieces.
 Lord please do not look at that nasty carpet this room has not been redone yet since we moved in EWWWWW!!!!!
Then I put my 2 pieces together with the right sides touching or with the sides that are going to be the outside of your dog bed touching and pinned it on 3 sides leaving one end side unstitched to put the stuffing in.
Then I sewed all 3 sides on my Brother sewing machine my mom gave me!!
It will look like this when your done!!
Now you want to hem the edges of your open seam on the end. Just fold you seam over and pen it and sew all the way around
Now get your stuffing out and measure how much you will need to go in your pillow and cut off your excess. I really need to crop theses pictures so yall don't see these mysterious feet and hands in these pics.  Hee Hee
Again with the mysterious feet
Now gently take your bed covering and pull over your stuffing your going to have to do something with your open end it's really up to you what you want to do you can sew it up you can Velcro it I cut holes in mine and tied it up with ribbons so I could take the cover off and wash it.
Here is my finished product and it only cost me $12.00 now granted it may be a king size dog bed but Alfred don't seem to mind.
Until Next Time

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Winter is coming

Well summer is almost over is everyone else as sad as I am? I DO NOT like cold weather and I feel like I was robbed out of a hot dry summer this year and last year. Where did Alabama summer's go? The garden is done for the year. Chicken hatching has wrapped up until the spring. It's almost time to say good bye to the pool for the summer....sigh.......Now we will be moving into winter mode at the Webb house fortunately for me I have HUB (my dad) who is a wood cutting machine and he already has us a full winter supply of wood for the cold days ahead so that part is done. Last year the heating part of our central unit went out so we decided to try heating using only wood heat it worked out well and you wouldn't believe the difference in out light bill so we are going to do it again this year. Winter also means deer season and that means stocking up our freezer with deer burger, steaks, roast and tenderloins that will last us until next deer season. This year we used deer burger in all of our hamburger meat recipes and saved big time on our grocery bill. Now that we are used to eating the deer burger the hamburger meat seems to greasy to us so we have almost completely stopped eating it. We bartered some chickens this summer for a deer this season so we have to make sure we get Joe his deer to him first before we start stocking up but with 3 hunters in the family that shouldn't be hard. Since I will be cooped up all winter I am setting a goal for myself to learn 3 things that I really want to learn how to do but I don't have the patience for 1. Crocheting I have tried this before but I just can't get the hang of it so I'm gonna give it another go. 2. Quilting  one of my dear friends taught me how to do a quilt top (Thanks Tammie) but I never finished quilting it or putting a bottom cover on it so I want to finish that this winter 3. Sewing on my machine I know how my machine works but I cant for the life of me follow a pattern and actually sew something. If I can learn these 3 things over the winter and kill a big buck (HeeHee) my goals will be complete. Winter will come wether I like it or not those long dark cold rainy days will be here before we know it. So enjoy what few days of summer that are left I know I will.

Until Next Time