Sunday, August 31, 2014

Hot Tub on a Budget

Lets face it who don't love a hot tub? I know I do.  I mean I'm one of those people who go to the Smokies every year and stay in a cabin just for the hot tub. Yes I know, but hey! I told yall I love a hot tub. I have always wanted my own for my house but let's get real here who has $8,000 dollars just laying around to spend on a hot tub? Yea me either. So one day the other half come home and he says I saw a hot tub at a customers house that you need its a Intex Pur Spa my customer loves it says it's great for what we want one for. Now let me just say I was skeptical when he said it was a plastic inflatable hot tub. I mean come on that thing can't be any good right?? So we talk about it back and forth for a couple of weeks he's giving me the good points Negative Nelly over here is giving him the bad points. So after a few discussions he talks me into it. Man am I glad he did I love this thing!! I ordered mine from IM Innovations for $459.00 free shipping they also give you a one year warranty on there items. It arrived in 3 days with no hassle. Here she is in her box looking all hot and stuff (Get it? HOT and stuff Hee Hee) 
It comes with everything you need to set it up and inflate it. Set up took about 10 minutes if you go along with the set up disc they provided for you, very easy.
After we got it inflated we started filling with water this took about 30 minutes.

The heater was really easy to work so after we got it filled up we turned on the heater to warm the water this takes about 24 hours to heat up but well worth it when you get in it for the first time and its so hot!!! Did I mention that I love this thing!!
Now be warned these next couple of pictures I wanted to show you how deep the tub is and how sturdy the sides are that you can even set on the side of the tub and it will not give. Proceed with caution you have been warned (giggles) As you can see a selfie taker I am NOT!!
Don't be intimidated about putting chemicals in your tub just do a little internet research and it will tell you all you need to know about maintaining your spa water. When you want to move it all you have to do is deflate it and move it so simple. This tub is great for the price and if you are a hot tub lover and looking for a cheaper option this is the way to go! I sound like Intex hired me to advertise for them maybe I should give them a call Hee Hee!!! But seriously this thing is great for achy sore muscles and I couldn't be more happy with my purchase.
Until next time

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Migraine Hell

Hey Yall,
Today I want to talk about Migraine Headaches do you have them? If not I bet you know someone who does. These things have plagued me my whole life but now that I am in my 40's they are worse than they have ever been. I have been to the Neurologist I have taken all the meds I have even done water therapy over the years and so far I have not got relief from them. I used to think I was cursed to have Migraines 3 or 4 times a month now I would love to only have them that frequently. For the last 3 months I have had at least 5 headaches out of 7 days. I am ready to totally loose it. I don't know if any of you have ever experienced constant pain for a long period of time but it will literally drive you crazy!! I have alot of problems with my neck being stiff and achy, I'm sure staring at a computer screen all day in an office chair is the culprit to that.  I have started going back to the chiropractor. I do not like going to the Chriro because I feel like I have to go ALOT and pay that copay ALOT but I am at a point now that I will pay whatever it takes to get this under control. I have had 4 visits so far I can say that I am starting to get a very small amount of relief from them. Now I'm not pushing Chiropractic care I'm not one of those natural medicine guru's I mean if someone said if you will jump off this bridge your headaches would stop I'd be off that thing you know?? I have found that Relpax does help when I do have a migraine. They don't stop it from coming but it does stop is once it's started the only down side to this is I only get 6 pills a month. That usually last about a week so you see my dilemma here. I also bought me a inflatable hot tub to soak my achy neck and shoulder muscles (there will be a future post on the hot tub) So fellow migraine sufferers what do you do to keep these evil things at bay? Have any of yall used a chiropractor before? Tell me what ya got??

Until next time

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Couponing at Publix 08-11-14

Hey yall,
I did some couponing yesterday at Publix I thought I would share with yall how it went!!
I've already told yall about how I get my list together and what websites I like to use to check out the deals and how the BOGO sales at Publix work so today I'm just going to give you the items I bought and what coupons I used.

Pillsbury Toaster Strudels BOGO $1.95 I used 4 $1.00 of 2 manufacturer coupons I printed off I got 8 boxes of Toaster Strudels for $3.80. These will come in handy when deer season arrives.
Del Monte Fruit Burst 3 for $6.00 (so $2.00 a piece) I used 2 $1.00 of 2 Target competitor coupons and 2 .50 cent off 2 manufacturer coupons that both doubled to a dollar a piece. I got 4 boxes of Fruit Burst for $4.00. Now, little did I know these things are a baby food consistency and everyone at my house gagged at the idea of eating these so they went to work with me to give to someone who had toddlers so it's all good.
Shedd's Spread Counry Crock Butter BOGO $2.39 I used 2 .40 cent manufacturer coupons that both doubled to .80 cents a piece. So I got 2 double packs of Shedd Spread for .79 cents. I'm going to look into freezing this stuff but I'm not sure if that can be done or not so we may be eating a lot of buttered stuff for a while (Hee Hee)
Betty Crocker Fruit Snacks BOGO $2.93 I used 5 .50 cent off 2 manufacturer coupons that all doubled to $1.00 a piece. So I got 10 boxes of Betty Crocker Fruit Snacks for $ 9.65. I usually don't buy this many of one item but my daughter and husband both love these things and all 10 boxes will be gone in no time. Atleast that was my rationality for it anyways. (Grins)

Kellogs Frosted Flakes BOGO $4.19 I used 1 $1.00 off 2 manufacturer coupon that my Nashville BFF sent me. Don't even get me started on how Tennessee's coupons are way better than Alabama's. I paid $3.19 for 2 boxes of Frosted Flakes.

Pilot FriXion Pens BOGO $4.49 I used 2 $1.00 off 1 Target competitor coupons. I paid $2.49 for 4 pens. Its back to school time so anytime you can get a deal on school supplies you gotta grab that sucker up. (Jars not included). But yall knew that!

Colgate toothpaste BOGO $1.93 I used 3 .50 cent manufacturer coupons that all doubled to $1.00 a piece. All 3 toothpaste were FREE. This was my favorite deal of the shopping trip because well it was free. I actually made .9 cents off this deal Go Me!!!

Ragu Pasta BOGO 1.99 I used 1 .40 cent off 2 manufacturer coupon that doubled to .80 cents. I should have paid $1.19 for both Ragu Sauces but since I bragged on my free toothpaste let me tell yall my screw up on this deal.....sigh...... When I grabbed my sauces what I didn't notice was that one of my sauces was labeled organic which was not inclued in the sale. I paid $3.29 for that one jar of Ragu EEEEKKKKK. I didn't notice this until I was already on my way home so that was a bummer. Just goes to show that no matter how good you think you are at couponing mistakes will happen even though they suck and you beat yourself up over it all the way home they still happen.

There's that organic sucker UHHHH!! Ok I'm over it....... really I am.......Ok maybe not just yet but I will get there.
Pure Wesson Oil 2 for $5.00 I broke my rule about buying something that I didnt have a coupon for but we were totally out and I needed some so I through caution to the wind and snatched two of those dudes up.  I'm adventurous like that!! Hee Hee!!

I also had a $5.00 off a $40.00 purchase coupon that was in the (Madison County) Huntsville Times. I guess they think Jackson County folks don't want a Publix coupon in there paper.
So all in all it was a good trip I think my total before coupons was something like $57.00 and after coupons before tax I walked out of there paying $26.46. Not too bad for all the stuff I got. I hope this tutorial will help yall out on your coupon adventures. As always if you have any questions feel free to ask. If i can help I will.

Until Next Time

Sunday, August 10, 2014

When Life Gives You Lemons

Hey yall
Have you ever had one of those days where you wake up and you just know it's not going be a good day? Lets face it everyday is not going to be a great day even though we may try our hardest to make it that way it's just not going to happen. Well Friday was this day for me.
It started by waking up sore and achy from this Lyme Disease mess. This happens a lot so it really isn't that big of a deal I guess, but I wanted to whine about it so there, I whined!! Work was good up until lunch I decided to go couponing at Kroger. I should have known better. I had my list all made out and I was going to score a lot of shampoo's body wash, laundry detergent and so on I had a huge list and was only going to spend about $20.00 bucks. I should have known this trip was going to suck when it took forever to pull out onto 72 from work. Whenever this happens my shopping trips always suck. Yes I may be a tad supersticious(sp) Wow that's a hard word to spell and I'm sure I just murdered it. So I get to the store and go to the Health and Beauty section first EVERYTHING is sold out no shampoo's no body washes I mean the shelves were cleared. So I'm like ok this happens sometimes. I went over to the laundry detergent isle it was not on sale like my Kroger Krazy lady that I follow on Facebook said it was. So no go on the detergent. Sometimes Kroger runs a Freebie Friday item that you can load to your Kroger card and get for free. Guess What? I couldn't find it I searched that store high and low but no Chili's frozen entrĂ©e was anywhere to be found. By this time I knew that this trip was going to be an epic fail so I picked up my toilet paper that I did find and I got out of there. Now these things are going to happen when you coupon its just a fact. But I just was not feeling it Friday so it was on my nerves. When I got back to work the most terrible thing of this horrible Friday happened. My dad called and told me he accidentally ran over my Schnauzer baby Tanzi and she didn't make it needless to say I was devastated. This was at 11:30 so I had to try to hold it together until I got off at 4:30 without completely loosing it at work. Which was a VERY hard thing to do. I hadn't even had her 2 years yet she was still so young and full of energy. Jerry and I are still completely devastated. The house is so quiet now without her running around everywhere. You can imagine how my weekend has been. But this to shall pass and we will be ok. I just wanted to share with all my readers that not every day in life or in the Blogisphere will be a good day. But I will be here letting you know how my days are good or bad so you can be on this journey with me.

Friday, August 1, 2014

Putting up Corn

Hey yall,
TGIF am I right??? Huh??? Huh??? Today I wanted to show yall how we put up corn here at the Webb wanna be homestead. I took some of our extra corn to work the other day and hardly anyone knew how to put it up for future use. So I thought what better way to get this info out there than to do a little tutorial on Michelle's Webb. So here goes!!!
We planted Silver Queen corn in our garden this year and not because we wanted to. At the time we had no idea that Silver Queen corn was the white corn and not the yellow. (Newbie homesteader alert!!!! ) So we planted us a big ole crop of that stuff and imagine our surprise when it all came in white. Just so happens that we actually liked this sweet white corn so all is good!!
 For some reason we picked the hottest day of the year to go pick this stuff but hey when all you have is the weekend you gotta do what you gotta do. We picked a lot of corn that day I think we ended up freezing 156 ears (some on the cobb some whole kernel) Whew!!!! Now some of you may not have this fancy smancy corn holder like I do so don't be hatin". (Grins)
Now comes the fun part NOT!! Let's face it shucking corn blow's but if you want to end up with the reward of sweet homegrown corn it's gotta be done...........sigh...........and don't forget to get most of those silks off don't try to get them all cause it aint gonna happen!!
Just look at these beauties!!
Now when you get all this corn shucked and brought in you will want to cut the ends off  that are brown because no matter how hard you try there will be a worm hiding in the top of that corn shuck, Yuck!( hey that rhymed). Now you need to blanch your corn. Blanching means boiling the corn for 5 minutes then soaking it in ice cold water immediately after. You can let them sit in the cold water for a minute or two.
Lay them out on a towel to completely cool off before going any further.
Now you can decide if you want to freeze corn on the cobb or whole kernel corn both are easy to do.
If you want corn on the cobb all you have to do is put those dudes in a freezer bag and suck all the air out of it and into the freezer they go.
If you want to freeze whole kernel corn get you a REALLY sharp knife and slice down all sides of the cobb. Take your whole kernel corn and put in the freezer bag and suck all the air out. Now I did some of my corn like this but for some reason I didn't take a picture (I haven't the foggiest idea why
I didn't) Chalk it up to old age or extreme tiredness or whatever other excuses I can come up with. Anyhoo!!! Since you blanched your corn and you got the air out of your freezer bags your corn will now last up to a year or longer in the freezer. Whoo Hooo fresh corn all year long I say yes, and no buying any at the grocery store. Can you day MONEY SAVER!!!!
Until Next time