Sunday, August 10, 2014

When Life Gives You Lemons

Hey yall
Have you ever had one of those days where you wake up and you just know it's not going be a good day? Lets face it everyday is not going to be a great day even though we may try our hardest to make it that way it's just not going to happen. Well Friday was this day for me.
It started by waking up sore and achy from this Lyme Disease mess. This happens a lot so it really isn't that big of a deal I guess, but I wanted to whine about it so there, I whined!! Work was good up until lunch I decided to go couponing at Kroger. I should have known better. I had my list all made out and I was going to score a lot of shampoo's body wash, laundry detergent and so on I had a huge list and was only going to spend about $20.00 bucks. I should have known this trip was going to suck when it took forever to pull out onto 72 from work. Whenever this happens my shopping trips always suck. Yes I may be a tad supersticious(sp) Wow that's a hard word to spell and I'm sure I just murdered it. So I get to the store and go to the Health and Beauty section first EVERYTHING is sold out no shampoo's no body washes I mean the shelves were cleared. So I'm like ok this happens sometimes. I went over to the laundry detergent isle it was not on sale like my Kroger Krazy lady that I follow on Facebook said it was. So no go on the detergent. Sometimes Kroger runs a Freebie Friday item that you can load to your Kroger card and get for free. Guess What? I couldn't find it I searched that store high and low but no Chili's frozen entrée was anywhere to be found. By this time I knew that this trip was going to be an epic fail so I picked up my toilet paper that I did find and I got out of there. Now these things are going to happen when you coupon its just a fact. But I just was not feeling it Friday so it was on my nerves. When I got back to work the most terrible thing of this horrible Friday happened. My dad called and told me he accidentally ran over my Schnauzer baby Tanzi and she didn't make it needless to say I was devastated. This was at 11:30 so I had to try to hold it together until I got off at 4:30 without completely loosing it at work. Which was a VERY hard thing to do. I hadn't even had her 2 years yet she was still so young and full of energy. Jerry and I are still completely devastated. The house is so quiet now without her running around everywhere. You can imagine how my weekend has been. But this to shall pass and we will be ok. I just wanted to share with all my readers that not every day in life or in the Blogisphere will be a good day. But I will be here letting you know how my days are good or bad so you can be on this journey with me.

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