Friday, August 1, 2014

Putting up Corn

Hey yall,
TGIF am I right??? Huh??? Huh??? Today I wanted to show yall how we put up corn here at the Webb wanna be homestead. I took some of our extra corn to work the other day and hardly anyone knew how to put it up for future use. So I thought what better way to get this info out there than to do a little tutorial on Michelle's Webb. So here goes!!!
We planted Silver Queen corn in our garden this year and not because we wanted to. At the time we had no idea that Silver Queen corn was the white corn and not the yellow. (Newbie homesteader alert!!!! ) So we planted us a big ole crop of that stuff and imagine our surprise when it all came in white. Just so happens that we actually liked this sweet white corn so all is good!!
 For some reason we picked the hottest day of the year to go pick this stuff but hey when all you have is the weekend you gotta do what you gotta do. We picked a lot of corn that day I think we ended up freezing 156 ears (some on the cobb some whole kernel) Whew!!!! Now some of you may not have this fancy smancy corn holder like I do so don't be hatin". (Grins)
Now comes the fun part NOT!! Let's face it shucking corn blow's but if you want to end up with the reward of sweet homegrown corn it's gotta be done...........sigh...........and don't forget to get most of those silks off don't try to get them all cause it aint gonna happen!!
Just look at these beauties!!
Now when you get all this corn shucked and brought in you will want to cut the ends off  that are brown because no matter how hard you try there will be a worm hiding in the top of that corn shuck, Yuck!( hey that rhymed). Now you need to blanch your corn. Blanching means boiling the corn for 5 minutes then soaking it in ice cold water immediately after. You can let them sit in the cold water for a minute or two.
Lay them out on a towel to completely cool off before going any further.
Now you can decide if you want to freeze corn on the cobb or whole kernel corn both are easy to do.
If you want corn on the cobb all you have to do is put those dudes in a freezer bag and suck all the air out of it and into the freezer they go.
If you want to freeze whole kernel corn get you a REALLY sharp knife and slice down all sides of the cobb. Take your whole kernel corn and put in the freezer bag and suck all the air out. Now I did some of my corn like this but for some reason I didn't take a picture (I haven't the foggiest idea why
I didn't) Chalk it up to old age or extreme tiredness or whatever other excuses I can come up with. Anyhoo!!! Since you blanched your corn and you got the air out of your freezer bags your corn will now last up to a year or longer in the freezer. Whoo Hooo fresh corn all year long I say yes, and no buying any at the grocery store. Can you day MONEY SAVER!!!!
Until Next time

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