Friday, July 4, 2014


Hi yall I hope everyone has had a great time celebrating America's Independence today. We've kept it low key around here just doing a little chicken farming. When we got up this morning we noticed that some of our eggs in the incubator were starting to pip for those of you that have no idea what I'm talking about pip means that first little crack in the egg when the chicks are trying to make their escape. We should have some baby chicks by the end of the day.
Unfortunately we had to cull 3 of our chicks today that we had bought from the Trade Day, we bought 15 chicks and they have all died one by one until we were down to three we decided that since they may have a disease we were not going to put them in with our healthy chicks so they had to go it's the Circle of Life I guess but it still sucked.
Our Chicks we hatched last week are still doing good there a week old tomorrow. They were all happy happy joy joy today when we cleaned out there brooder.( A brooder is just a place to keep them safe and warm while there babies)
Then we got our 6 week old chicks in the Chicken Tractor, yes I said Chicken Tractor (a chicken tractor is a pen outside that is movable)
Last but not least is our grown hens and our rooster (Sir Crow's A lot) their in the big coop were one day all of the above chicks will go except the roosters and they will go in the cooking pot.
Here's there coop
It's been a great day here and we have enjoyed it to it's fullest. I hope yall all did the same.
Well looky here, before I got done writing this post we had a visit from the chicky stork and look what he left us
A new baby born on the 4th of July I think I shall call her America.

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