Monday, July 28, 2014

Life of a Weekend Homesteader

Hey yall.
How was everyone's weekend? Went by fast didn't it? I tell yall trying to be more active in growing and raising your own food is a full time job in itself and trying to cram all that into a 2 day weekend is rough. But if your wanting to be a homesteader that's  the price you pay I guess. This weekend we made a new brooder pen for our 3 to 5 week old chicks in the garage this will be our holding pen until we can transfer them outside. Excuse the mess we got lazy and didn't clean up after ourselves but that's another day.
We picked the garden and put up about 20 ears of yellow corn, chopped and froze some Jalapeno, Bell, and Banana peppers, blanched about 40 tomatoes and froze them and put a watermelon in the fridge to eat later. (I personally can't wait for that part YUM!!).
Then we went blueberry picking in the orchard. Our blueberry bushes are showing out this year we probably picked a gallon on our first picking of the season those things were loaded. We brought them in and put all them up in the freezer. I see fried blueberry pies in our future!!

Now after getting all sweaty and hot because it was like 100 degrees this weekend I may have ended up here for just a little bit. Hey I needed a break (HeeHee)

I think Tanzi was pouting because I wouldn't let her in the pool.

Sunday we went couponing at Publix. Got a lot of stuff for around $35.00

Then did all my house work laundry and getting everything ready for the work week ahead.
So you can see why homesteading on top of a 40 hour a week job can be a lot to handle. It's really worth it though because our freezer is stocked with deer and turkey, plenty of fresh veggies and fruits and all my coupon haul stuff. We used to spend about $250.00 every 2 weeks on groceries now we spend about $100.00 every 3 weeks and when I can add my own chicken meat to that it will probably drop even more. Now if I could just talk my husband into getting a cow, goat and pig I would be set.
Until next time


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