Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Blessings, Dr. Peppers and Kangaroo's Oh My!!

Hey ya'll, I just have one question is it Friday yet? Whoo its been a week so far and it's only Tuesday. Monday I got socked with a migraine so that day was shot. Today I got stuck in a traffic jam on the way to work and on the way home it poured down rain but who am I kidding that stuff is chump change compared to what problem's that could happen to me so I am a greatful girl today and so thankful for all my many blessings.
So for some reason I had this bright idea that I was going give up my 3 Dr. Pepper a day habit and I have been gradually weaning myself off of them. Let me tell you I smoked for 15 years and gave that up way easier than giving up these Dr. Peppers this mess is gonna kill me. I just started this journey so I'll keep you posted on how it's going or if you see where I was put in jail for murder or something like that you'll know it didn't work out so well. (Hee Hee).
Oh!! Let me tell ya'll what I saw today on the news a kangaroo was seen hopping down the street in the county next to mine now if your like me your wondering how in the world a kangaroo found his way to Alabama. Can you imagine being the person who's driving along minding her own business when a kangaroo hops across the road in front of you......... in Alabama. Oh that poor lady she must have thought she was loosing her mind. Come to find out it was somebodies pet that had gotten loose which that leaves me to ponder........ you can have a pet kangaroo? I had no idea.
Anyway that is what is happening in my part of the world for this first half of the week. Until next time.

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